Kafka: Foran Loven -  hypertekstualiseret af Elias Ole Tetens Lund

Kafkas fortællestil

Den korte fortælling Foran loven er blevet kaldt en parabel eller en allegori - i begge tilfælde er det betegnelser, der er tilskrevet Kafka af kristne fortolkere. I jødisk sammenhæng kunne den betegnes som en fortællende midrash

citat fra Wikipedia: "The homiletical (da. moralsk, opbyggelig) midrashim embrace the interpretation of the non-legal portions of the Hebrew Bible. These midrashim are sometimes referred to as aggadah or haggadah, a loosely-defined term that may refer to all non-legal discourse in classical rabbinic literature.
Aggadic explanations of the non-legal parts of Scripture are characterized by a much greater freedom of exposition than the Halachic Midrashim (midrashim on Jewish law.) Aggadic expositors availed themselves of various techniques, including sayings of prominent rabbis. These aggadic explanations could be philosophical or mystical disquisitions concerning angels, demons, paradise, hell, the messiah, Satan, feasts and fasts, parables, legends, satirical assaults on those who practice idolatry, etc. Some of these midrashim entail mystical teachings. The presentation is such that the Midrash is a simple lesson to the uninitiated, and a direct allusion, or analogy, to a Mystical teaching for those educated in this area."

Den fortællende midrash udvikler Kafka for at understrege de kvaliteter ved jødedommen, som han mødte sammen med Mordechai Langer da han hjemsøgte en chasidisk mystiker og hos de jiddishe skuespillere. Det var alt det, som han anklagede sin far for at vende ryggen til.

Der er en korthed og knaphed i teksten, som kan sammenlignes med knapheden i den hebraiske Bibel. -